Friday, September 24, 2010

Video 2 Brainstorm Assignment

You will create ideas for three different short movies that can be shot both during and outside of class. Please describe your movie by answering the questions below using Text Edit on your computer.

1. Action Movie
Who are the main characters?
What is the conflict?
How is the conflict resolved?
What techniques will you use as a director/videographer to make the action exciting?

2. Comedy
Who are the main characters?
What is the conflict?
How is the conflict resolved?
Why will this movie be funny? Slapstick? Puns? Visual gags? Smart humor?

3. Drama
Who are the main characters?
What is the conflict?
How is the conflict resolved?
How will you use lighting for effect?
What techniques will you use to make this movie suspenseful? Music? Sound effects?

Next you will get into groups of my choosing to discuss your ideas. After five minutes or so we will switch groups for more discussion. The idea is to pick the best for ideas from the class. The directors for this assignment will be the students whose ideas are selected as a class.

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