Thursday, May 26, 2005


According to Aint It Cool News:
-- "Feast," director John Gulager's horror film, which was the subject of Bravo's "Project Greenlight 3," will open Jan. 20.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Next Lesson

The next reading section is Cybercollege 63 and 64.

The test next Thursday/Friday will cover Cybercollge 54.55,63, and 64 plus anything we covered in class.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bad Trend

I mentioned this to 5th period yesterday, but due to students not meeting deadlines on the Raw Footage, script, and storyboard assignments the average grade in my four video classes dropped about 4.5%.

Please make sure you catch up soon because it is almost impossible to pass Video Production without turning in a final project. Seniors please make special note of this.

Extra Credit Reminder: You can receive extra credit by entering a video in the Shoreline Arts Festival. Entries are due by Juune 1st.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Storyboards and Scripts

All Video students:
Please bring your storyboards and scripts (even if I looked at it) to class on Monday to turn in. Also, please remember raw footage is due on Monday and it's worth 20% of your grade.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Mitchell

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

1st Period Shorecrest

Good morning everyone,
I will be out today until lunch time. The sub will hand out storyboards and you will have 30 min to work on them before Project Greenlight. What you don't finish will be homework. When Preject Greenlight is over please read Cybercollege 54 and 55 (see below). There will be a quiz on Friday over this material.

Storyboards: No stick figures and please make sure they correspond to your script. On Friday you wil hand in your script and storyboard together at the beginning of the period for me to look at.

I will hand out Star Wars tickets after school.

Mr. Mitchell

Cybercollege Quiz

Please read Cybercollege 54 and 55 as homework. We will discuss and have a quiz during our next class.

Don't forget your storyboards and scripts for Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Store Wars

Dogtown and Z-Boys

Questions to ask while students watch documentaries:
1. How is music used? What time period or style is it?
2. How are pictures used? What do the pictures show? How are they used in a ‘non-boring’ manner? Explain the Ken Burns Effect.
3. How is Dogtown and Z Boys edited? What are some of the effects? Does this work? Why or why not?
4. Who are the interview subjects? What role do the interviews play? Do they move the story along?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Wanna See Star Wars?

Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Ballew are organizing a trip to see Star Wars Episode III on opening night next Thursday the 19th at the Oak Tree Cinema in North Seattle. The show starts at 7:00, but you need to get there about 6:00 or so to make sure you get a good seat.

Mr. Mitchell is going to buy the tickets in advance so you need to bring your money Tuesday or Thursday if you are interested in going. Tickets are $9.

Please let Mr. Ballew or Mr. Mitchell know if you are interested in attending ASAP.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Shorecrest Video Students

Mr. Ballew is in today and I have asked him to help me keep everyone focused on the final project. Treatments are due at 8:20 for first period and at 1:05 for 5th period. After you are done, you need to start on your script. The script format link is located below.

For the rest of the semester anyone caught playing games during class time will lose a point off of their final grade every single time it happens. No excuses and most likely I won't even tell you I saw you. Mr. Ballew will begin enforcing this today.
To pass this class you all must pass your final project because it is worth double the amount of points as any other project. Therefore, it is in your best interest to stay ahead at all times.

Thanks for being cooperative today. We will watch commercials Wednesday.

Mr. M

Friday, May 06, 2005

Link to Script Format

Exporting From Final Cut Express

1. Save your Work
2. Quit Final Cut
3. Plug in camera. Put it in 'VCR' mode
4. Open Your project in Final Cut Express
5. Select File... then Print To Video... then click 'OK'
6. Make sure your tape is cued and hit record on camera.
7. Click OK on Final Cut Express

Make sure you can see your video in the camera monitor when you are exporting.

Treatment Questions

1. Which project are you going to do?
2. Will you need class time to shoot or are you working outstide of class?
3. Please describe your project in three or four sentences: What is the storyline from beginning to end? What is the source of conflict? Who are the main characters etc? If you are doing a documentary, what are you hoping to show or tell?
4. Who will be in your project?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

New Superman Movie: Behind the Scenes Footage

Final Video Project Requirements

Final Video Project

Option 1

Original Short Movie
4-8 min long
one twelve-shot sequence
No Jump Cuts or Continuity Errors
Full Script
Two pages of full, professional-style storyboards
Include title sequence, music, and credits

Option 2

3-6 min long
Interviews with good audio
Narration (voice over)
B-Roll video
No jump cuts or continuity errors
Mockumentary needs a full script and two pages of professional-style storyboards.
Documentary needs a full page of questions to be asked and project goals.

All projects must use the 30 Degree Rule, rule of thirds, proper headroom, leading the subject, framing, proper white balance, steady camera work, and show strong creativity. Also, please shoot and use many close-up shots, insert shots, and reaction shots.

Due Dates
Full One-page typed Treatment: May 9
Script Work Day: May 10/11
Script (one-page per minute of video time): May 12/13
Storyboards: May 17/18
May 19/20 will be optional in class shooting days
Raw Footage Due Date one: May 24/25
Hitting the Raw Footage Due Date will be 20% of your final grade
Final Project Due June 14/15

One warning for the final project: Do not turn anything in late. To pass this class you must pass this assignment.