Thursday, October 26, 2006

Video 1 Camera Movement Assignment

Video 1 Today:

1. Import your footage.
2. Edit your footage.

Include: fade in/out, title, music with proper fading up or down, credits, and sound effects.
Make sure to avoid jump cuts and continuity errors.

3. Export your video as a Quicktime file.
4. Change all the permissions on the file to read/write.
5. Log into Vidstore server and drop it in the period 4 folder.

(Directions for changing permissions and dropping into server are on the blog site)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Video 2 Schedule

Video II Schedule

Today: SCNN Assignments

Wed the 25th: Class time shoot three-minute movie

Friday the 27th: Class time to shoot SCNN

Monday the 30th: Import SCNN Footage

Wednesday the 1st : Edit and export completed SCNN assignment, import and edit three-minute movie

Friday the 3rd: Class time to shoot three-minute movie

Monday the 6th: Edit Three-minute movie
Wednesday the 8th: Edit Three minute movie

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Three Minute Movie Treatment Video 2

For this assignment all of your music must be done on Garageband.
You can work with one or two other people on this project.
Each person will edit their own video.

You MUST shoot during class time on the given days.
The movie, including brief credits, must end at exactly 3:00. Not a second longer.

I want each of you to focus on the lighting in this video. Use lighting for a purpose.
Also, get creative with your shots. Combine shots. Make sure each shot is framed with an interesting compostion.
Basically these videos should be "arty".

1. Please describe your story in four to five detailed sentences. Include character descriptions and motivation. What is the conflict?
2. Who are you working with?
3. What is the tone of your movie? What type of Genre are you attempting?
4. What will make this interesting to your classmates? Why will I want to watch the video?
5. What types of shots will you shoot that you haven't done before? How will you improve on this video compared to other videos?

Email your treatment to me with Video 1 or Video 2 in the subject line.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Three Minute Movie Assignment

Video 1
Make a three minute-movie that showcases the camera shots and skills you have learned in the first quarter of class.

Videos must be creative and original.
All shots must be white balanced.
Story must have a beginning, middle, end and contain dialogue.
All shots must be in focus.
All shots must be steady with proper headroom.
You must have at least one six shot sequence.
You must include the Rule of Thirds, Leading the Subject, and Framing where appropriate. You also must change angles frequently using the 30 degree rule.

The following shots must be used at least once to receive an A grade :
CU, MCU, MS, LS, ELS, Steady Trucking, Steady Panning, POV, Steady Dolly, and Heads in Tails Out.

Exporting to Quicktime and Dropping In Server

In IMovie

File>share>quicktime>compress for full quality

Save file in your movies folder. Use the Naming Convention you use in all classes (period_lastname_first initial_music Video).

Next, control click on the quicktime file in your movies folder after it has exported. Scroll down and select 'get info'.

At the bottom of Get Info select the arrow next to details. Make sure all three boxes under details say 'read and write'. I cannot see your video unless you do this.

Next drop the file into the Vidstore server.

Select G0>connect to server>type vidstore and hit connect
under name: type scvideo
under password type: SC1
Select SC Video Classes
Drop your Quicktime file into the right period

Monday, October 09, 2006

Peer Editing

Peer Editing Observations:

1. Did the editor avoid jump cuts and continuity errors?
2. Do you think the pacing is too slow, just right, or too fast? If you thought it was slow, what specifically needs cutting down?
3. How is the camera composition? Is it too shaky at times? Is the frame filled?
4. Are titles and credits in the video?
5. Does the video fade in and fade out?
6. Is this story interesting and entertaining? Can any quick re-shoots help it out?
7. Is there a six-shot sequence?

Turn in responses at the end of the period.