Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Video 2 Three-Minute Movie Treatment

Please answer the following questions using abi word, text edit, or Word on your laptop. Send the answers to me and put them in my classes period 3 folder on the STAFF server. Please use complete sentences.
See below for further instructions.

1. What genre or type of video are you going to make? Why?
2. Will you need class time to shoot or are you working outside of class?
3. Please describe your project in four to five sentences. What is the storyline from beginning to end? What is the source of conflict? How will you resolve the conflict? Who are the main characters etc?
4. Who will act in your project? Do they have time to shoot on weekends and after school?
5. What type of music will you create in Garageband?
6. How will you make sure that this project is better than anything else you have done in Video Production? What two or three things are you going to focus on to make sure you improve?

Next, continue reading about the history of film. Look for a short quiz Friday or Monday.


Be sure to take the quizzes after each section.
See you Friday!
Mr. M

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