Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Mar 13th: Candid Editing

Good morning. 

 Photo 2 students: please find two partners and teach them all the greyscale adjustments methods from last semester.
 Go step by step and have the other students take notes.
 These include Calculations, Ansel Adams, Basic Channel Mixer, Basic Black and White, and Duotone.
Edit 6 candids in grayscale today. Do not turn these pictures in yet.
Also, please work through the tutorials below.

Tomorrow is a Candid Off Campus picturing taking day.
I will try to arrange it so that students can use Highlander Home time to take pictures.
You must have a C or better to leave campus. Please turn in any missing work right now.

Don't forget your Candid homework assignment is due Thursday.

Extra detailed Ansel Adams Tutorial:

Black and white adjustment layer technique:

Curves and Channel Mixer Technique:

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