Your assignment is to create a 3-4 minute sequence of a continuous event with at least 100 shots. The shots all must relate to one another but your scene does not necessarily have to be an "action" scene.
Your scene should be FILLED with insert shots and cutaways, but you will also need to have a long shot every four or five shots to make sure the audience can follow the action.
Raiders of the Lost Ark did a great job of showcasing this technique.
You will plan your scene beginning with a one-page outline that is due today.
You may start this project as soon as you wish. You will have class time to shoot and/or edit Tues,Wed, Friday, and Monday (Yes, that means some of the shooting and editing will be homework. Sorry). You may import/edit after school on Wednesday or Friday if you need to.
You will all shoot master shots which are shots that last the length of the shoot. You will then shoot insert shots and cutaways from multiple angles. I want this to be the most professional looking video you have ever made.
- Plan ahead.
- Storyboard.
- Get creative. Move the camera and edit on action.
- Never let the audience lose track of the main objective or goal in the scene.
100 shots: Vary the Angles
Two Separate ten-shot sequences
3-minute minimum, 5-minute maximum
Creative Title in Live Type
Fade In/Fade Out
Sound effects are included effects as needed
One Dolly In/Zoom Out Shot
Each Person Will edit their own video
Group 1: Tyler A, Zoe, Devon, Mike R, Mike U,
Group 2: Alex L., Cody, Chris G, Zach R., Richard W,
Group 3: Natalie P, Alyson, Joe. G, Derek R., Joe V
Group 4: Jordan M, Matt C, Mason, Haley,
Group 5: Scott P, Ryan D, James H, Brandon,Maddy
Group 6: Austin B.,Venice, Kollin, Josh S.