Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Upload Your Videos to YouTube

After you export your video you will upload your project to YouTube.

Please include in the following keywords when you upload your video: Shorecrest, All School, Music Video, Mitchell, SCNN, Shoreline, Lip Dub, 2013, Dancing, and Cute Kittens

When your Video has finished uploading to YouTube please send me an email with the following information:

Your Name
YouTube Link
Songs Used in Video

Please use proper punctuation.

Credits for All School Music Video

View all of the other videos at

Edited by: Your Name
Music: List band names and songs
All footage shot by Trent Mitchell's Video Production Class.
Thank you Shorecrest High School Staff and Students for participating in the project.
Special Thanks to Pat Hegarty and Roberta Hasstedt.

  •  List students in the 1st period Video Production Class
  • List class and groups that participated in the project

Monday, December 02, 2013

All School Music Video Requirements

  • 3:00-5:00 in length
  • You can use one song or a mash up of different songs
  • Download footage from the Vidstore Server
  • Organize your folders by class name on your computer
  • Import all folders in Adobe Premiere
  • Drag one clip down into the timeline and select "Match Sequence Setting To Clip Settings"
  • Crop the sides of the D4 and D5 backdrop clips (you can do this all at the same time if you need to)
  •  Select In and Out points BEFORE dragging clips to the timeline in Premiere
  • (this will save you hours of rendering time)
  • You must show all classes, teams, groups, and students
  • Edit Classroom Dance Sequences with Long Shots followed by Medium Shots and Close-ups (LS, MS, CU, LS, CU)
  • Edit to the beat of the music
  • Edit for a high energy video
  • Create special quick edits with the black and white backdrop footage
  • Create at least one special effects sequence using reverse, speed adjustments, or multiple clips on the timeline 
The final videos are due at the BEGINNING of the period on Friday, December 20th.

Note: All students are REQUIRED to edit for three extra hours over the next two and a half weeks. You will sign in and out on a sheet near my desk.
You can  edit during TAP, Lunch, or after school.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Short Movie

The short movie a fictional story that has a beginning, middle, and end.

The movies can be as short as 2:30 or as long as 6:00.
You may work with a partner or four people can create a PART 1 and PART 2 of a specific story (each segment must be 3:00 long).
  • One twelve-shot sequence
  • No Jump Cuts or Continuity Errors
  • Full Script
  • Two pages of full, professional-style storyboards
  • Include title sequence, music, fade in/out, and credits
  • Videos will be filled with sound effects and music as needed.
  • At least one "song" will be created in Garageband.

1. What genre will you shoot? Action? Suspense? Comedy? A combination?
2. Describe at least three characters in great detail. Examples: age, hair color, personality traits, occupation, and disposition. What motivates your characters?




3. What students (or other actors) will play these characters?
4. Describe the plot of your movie from beginning to end. Use three to four sentences to describe each section. Please describe shot locations within each section.
a. Intro
b. Conflict: All stories have some form of conflict. What are the characters trying to do or achieve?
c. Conflict Resolution 
5. Would you like to work with people in class? If so, whom?
6. Where does the story occur? What are the specific locations where you will shoot? Will you need to shoot after school or on weekends?
7. What sound effects will you use? You will need to add sound effects throughout your video. Try to list 10-15 sound effects if possible.
8. What music or musical score will you use?

Next step: Write the script


Thursday, October 31, 2013

After Effects Tutorials

Please do the following tutorials today and Monday. You will need to shoot very short videos each tutorial.

Fireball Tutorials:
You need a ten second video of someones moving their hand(or something else of your choice).

Use or to capture flames.
Or you can grab fire from the "Fire Folder" in the Public Folder on my Staff Server.

Energy Ball Tutorial:
You need a video of someone bouncing a pretend ball.
3D Text Tutorials

Advanced Lighting
You need a ten second clip of anything that you want to shoot lightening.

You need a ten second wide shot to do this tutorial.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SCNN Commercial Assignment




You will make a thirty second professional style commercial for a school related group, sport, club, or after-school function etc. Your commercial should be shot and edited in a high-energy style that encourages the other students in the school to either participate in and/or support your chosen group. You will have time during class to shoot the video, or you can shoot before or after school. Each student must do their own commercial.

Commercial Assignment Requirements:
Fade In and Fade Out.
Commercial must be exactly thirty seconds
12 shot minimum-like music videos, most commercials use shots only two to five seconds in length.
Use music appropriate for the commercial and school group.
Use text in your commercial to emphasize in writing what you are trying to sell.
Create a nifty slogan or catch phrase. VERY IMPORTANT!
Use a variety of shots.
Shoot at least two complicated shots. For example, a ‘zoom in and pan’ or a ‘zoom out and truck’ etc.

Steps for assignment:
1. Go to Youtube and find five awesome commercials. In the comments section below please list the name, URL, and reasons for selecting each video. 
2. Answer Treatment questions below.
3. Email Treatment questions to the adviser asking permission to shoot a commercial for the club, sport, or event. Introduce yourself and ask if they would like to meet in person.

Commercial Treatment

You will write a detailed commercial treatment and send it to the coach or advisor of your club/activity/sport etc. You will ask for their permission to make a commercial and also for suggestions. You will also send me a copy (CC) of this email.

List of advisors:

Treatment questions you must answer in COMPLETE sentences.

  1. What group have you selected as your subject?
  2. Why did you select this group and why do you think you can make an interesting commercial for this group?
  3. What is your original concept? How are you going to SELL your subject?
  4. What will your tag line be? It needs to be something catchy and memorable.
  5. What kind of music will you use in the background?
  6. Please email the advisor or coach of your commercial subject. Schedule a time to shoot with this person. Include me on this email.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Process Video Prep: Wednesday October 9

Here is what's happening in class today:

Mr. Glombecki will show you four or five Process Videos on the big screen during the first 10 minutes of class. These videos are the template for your assignment.
Remember, you can shoot after school or this weekend.
Friday and Monday are shooting days in class. You can shoot your own video or help someone else.

Next, you will have 30 minutes to storyboard the first 15 shots of your video. You will need to sketch and name the shots. Please do not draw stick figures. The storyboard should look like a short comic strip. When you are finished storyboarding please have Mr. Glombecki check your storyboard off on the attendance chart. You will not receive credit if Mr. Glombecki doesn't check it off.

You will then have 15 minutes to coordinate shooting plans with other classmates.

Finally, at 1:40 you will be given 45 minutes to finish editing your sequence assignment. Please make sure to add sound effects, music, a title, credits, and fades at the beginning and end of the video.
Export your video.
Name it using the naming convention.
Drop it in the Vidstore server period 5.

Do you need to check out a camera tonight? Mr. Glombecki can check out two cameras. Cameras must be returned at TAP tomorrow.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Process Video

My Video/Process Video                                 

For this assignment you have two options:
1. You will show or explain to how to do, make, or create something. This should be a process you are familiar with or an activity you are interested in and passionate about.
2. You will make a more abstract or arty video that emulates the passion derived from participating in an activity.

You can add narration or you can edit the shots to music (or both). Feel free to use the Haircut video and Auto Videos as  templates for this assignment.

Challenge: how can you make the process or activity interesting for an audience?

Video should be 1-2 minutes in length.
20-25 shots total
All shots are focused, white balanced, and steady.
Camera angles are diverse and unique.
Video edits are made on movement and there is proper pacing.
B-Roll is both interesting and used effectively with audio.
Rule of thirds, proper headroom, and leading the subject used throughout video.
Audience can hear all music and any narration throughout video.
Narration is easy to hear.
Narration is effective and well written.
There are no TCP errors.
Video fades in and out.
Overall, the video is entertaining to watch.

Raw Footage at the end of the period next Monday. Friday and Monday mare all-period shooting day for those who need it.

You can check out cameras for this assignment starting today.

Please copy and past the text below and email the answers to me today.

Please list your subject:  ___________________________
Why are you choosing this subject?
Is this something you can shoot in class? If not, you need to shoot outside of class and turn it in next Monday.
Who will help you with your video? Or will you do it all yourself?

Please list (in order) 15 B-Roll shots for your project:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Export from Adobe Premiere

Exporting From Adobe Premiere Pro

These are the settings to export HD Quality Video


Preset=HD 1080i 29.97
Video Codec=H.264
Check the Use Maximum Render Quality Box 
Click Export
Your Project Saves within the Adobe Folder in your Documents section on the Computer
Next, drop your video in the Vidstore Server. Don't forget to use the Naming Convention: 2-mitchellt-Sequence.


Connect to server    

Name: scvideo

Password: Outback23

Sc Video classes

Period 1 or 5

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Video 1 Reading and Note Taking

 Please take out a piece of paper to take notes on all bold faced words. Put the terms into your own words. We will have random note checks 3-5 times throughout the semester.
Please take the quiz at the bottom of each section. We will discuss all terms in class and you will be quizzed on the material shortly.
Rule of Thirds Video
Leading the Subject (pretend that these pictures are videos)

Hints for Success in Video Production

1. Use your time at home with a camera wisely. Having your own camera is very helpful, but if you need to check out a camera from me make sure you plan your video shoot ahead of time.
2. Do not rely on your friends. Your friends are not receiving a grade and therefore are not as motivated as you are.
3. Do not wait until the last minute to shoot. Procrastination will hurt you in this class.
4. Shoot multiple takes of your shots from different angles so you have more to work with when you edit. It is highly recommend to shoot a wide "master shot" of the whole scene and then shoot close-ups after.
5. Make every shot count. Do not shoot random footage. 

6. Most importantly, attend class every day. A majority of the work in this class is done during class time. 

Monday, June 03, 2013

Video 1: June 4-6

Please create and edit in After Effects.
Remember, your group can split up the After Effects creation between group members.
When you are done with the After Effects work please export the clips and then place them in the Vidstore>Public Folder for sharing.
Everyone will make their own edit in Adobe Premiere.
You will add:
Fade in and out
Sound effects for EVERY SINGLE EFFECT. This is very important.

The project is due at the end of the period on Tuesday June 11. Seniors will turn in their projects about 20 minutes early so we can watch them in class. You will need to edit for two hours outside of class in order to get this project done on time. You can edit during TAP or after school as needed.

Here is how you export from After Effects:
File>Export>Add to Render Queue
Output mode should be Lossless and you will select the Output mode to name your project and to pick where you want to save it.
Note: this video will NOT play properly in Quicktime but will work just fine when you open it in Premiere.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Movie Trailer Assignment with After Effects

Movie Trailer Assignment

 A Movie Trailer according to Wikipedia:
A trailer or preview is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema. The term "trailer" comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening.[1] That practice did not last long, because patrons tended to leave the theater after the films ended, but the name has stuck. Trailers are now shown before the film (or the A movie in a double feature) begins.
Movie trailers have now become popular on DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, as well as on the Internet. Of some 10-billion videos watched online annually, film trailers rank #3, after news and user-created video.

Activity 1 (thanks to Mr. Powell of Tamanawis Secondary)
1. Please read The Top 10 Elements of a Good Movie Trailer
2. Using Apple Trailers or another movie trailer website, watch three trailers for movies that you want to see. They must be different genres (ex. action, sci-fi, comedy, romance, drama, horror)
3. Open text Edit. Analyze the three trailers that you have watched using the Top 10 Elements article as your lens. You may have to watch each trailer several times. List how many of the elements each trailer includes (or doesn’t include).  Please list ANY special effects shots.
4. On the same Text Edit document, write down whether the trailer makes you want to see the movie and why. Be specific.
5. Turn in the Text Edit Document named "Trailer Analysis" to the Classes Period 2 Folder on the Vidstore

Activity 2: The Movie Trailer Treatment
This activity is done with up to two other partners (three total) should you choose to work win a group.

1. Open Text Edit
2. Describe the movie that you are going to make a trailer for. What genre is it? What is the title? Describe the whole story from beginning to end.  Who are the two or three main characters? What is the conflict? In other words, what is the problem the characters are trying to overcome?
3. What are the three or four big scenes you will create? These can be action, drama, comedy, or a combination of all of the above.
4. What type of music will you use? Using two or three types of songs or "movie scores" is perfectly fine. What type of sound effects will you need to add?
5. List the different After Effects special effects shots you will create. Note: please DO NOT change angles during the middle of an After Effects shot. Doing so will make your After Effects very difficult.
6. What is the tagline for the movie? For example, In Jaws 2 the tagline was "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water..."
6. Turn in the document named "Trailer Treatment" to Classes Period 2 Folder on the Vidstore Server

Activity 3:The Storyboard

You will storyboard 32 shots in your trailer. Below each storyboard you will list the exact shot and action taking place in that shot. If the shot contains After Effects work you will describe the special effects.
You will not be allowed to turn in raw footage until the storyboards are complete.

  • Tuesday May 28 and May30 are in-class shooting days. You CAN start shooting during Memorial Day weekend. In fact, if it were me that is what I would do.
  • For this assignment students are required to shoot during this time. You can, with written permission, shoot off campus as needed. As usual, you can check out a camera after school to work at home.
  • Raw footage is due end of the period Thursday May 30th.
  • Create a rough edit during class on May 4th. Create your After effects shots on June 6 and June 10. You may need to render After Effects shots after school. Add After effects shots on June 10 and 11.
  • Seniors will turn in their projects on June 11. Everyone else will turn in their projects on June 13.
The After Effects portion of this assignment will require you to work two full hours after school or during TAP. I will have a sign in sheet at my desk.

Original Star Wars Trailer
Forrest Gump Original Trailer
Original Halloween Trailer
Pulp Fiction Trailer
Shawshank Redemption Trailer
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
A Christmas Story
The Usual Suspects
Social Network

The Golden Trailer Awards are awards for the best trailers. Winners and nominees are listed here.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

After Effects Work

Fireball Tutorials:
You need a ten second video of someones moving their hand(or something else of your choice).

Use or to capture flames.
Or you can grab fire from the "Fire Folder" in the Public Folder on my Staff Server.

Energy Ball Tutorial:
You need a video of someone bouncing a pretend ball.
3D Text Tutorials

Advanced Lighting
You need a ten second clip of anything that you want to shoot lightening.

You need a ten second wide shot to do this tutorial.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Music Video Treatment

Music Video Treatment

Students will shoot a music video that is no longer than five minutes.
Music videos must have a concept, theme, or story (not 100% lip-syncing).
You can have class time on April 18 to shoot.
Video should have at least one six-shot sequence.
Raw Footage is due right after spring break.

Students must turn in a one-page typed treatment to the classes period 2 folder. Please use the naming convention.

Most videos have an interesting concept such as a fake TV show, a backwards video, a dance video, a live performance video, or simply an interesting story. Your treatment should explain in detail your concept and how you plan to make this concept come to life. Your treatment should answer the following questions:

1. What is your story or concept in great detail? Don't forget costumes, editing and shooting style etc. Your answer should be 4-5 sentences.
2. Who are you working with on this project (inside or outside of class)?
3. When will you shoot?
4. Do you need class time to shoot?
5. What song are you using? How long is the song?

Storyboards of the sequence will be required.

Videos shots must use proper technique discussed in class: good headroom, proper white-balance, leading the subject, focus, and steadiness. Grading of these shots will be more difficult than the last project.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Photo 2: Action Adjustments

You will adjust 24 pictures total. Here is what you need to do:
  • Six Motion Blur and Cropped Pictures
  • Six Grayscale Pictures using a variety of the Grayscale Adjustment methods
  • Six Pictures with Text Added: Who, What, Where, When, and Significance of event
  • Six Adjustments of your choice: Anything goes as long as we can see the main action
Please make sure you have turned in all three Action Contact Sheets.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

SCNN Treatment

SCNN Commercial Assignment





You will make a thirty second professional style commercial for a school related group, sport, club, or after-school function etc. Your commercial should be shot and edited in a high-energy style that encourages the other students in the school to either participate in and/or support your chosen group. You will have time during class to shoot the video, or you can shoot before or after school. Each student must do their own commercial.

Commercial Assignment Requirements:
Fade In and Fade Out.
Commercial must be exactly thirty seconds
12 shot minimum-like music videos, most commercials use shots only two to five seconds in length.
Use music appropriate for the commercial and school group.
Use text in your commercial to emphasize in writing what you are trying to sell.
Create a nifty slogan or catch phrase. VERY IMPORTANT!
Use a variety of shots.
Shoot at least two complicated shots. For example, a ‘zoom in and pan’ or a ‘zoom out and truck’ etc.

Steps for assignment:
1. Answer Treatment questions below.
2. Email Treatment questions to the adviser asking permission to shoot a commercial for the club, sport, or event. Introduce yourself and ask if they would like to meet in person.

Commercial Treatment

You will write a detailed commercial treatment and send it to the coach or advisor of your club/activity/sport etc. You will ask for their permission to make a commercial and also for suggestions. You will also send me a copy (CC) of this email.

List of advisors:
School event Calendar 

Treatment questions you must answer in COMPLETE sentences.

  1. What group have you selected as your subject?
  2. Why did you select this group and why do you think you can make an interesting commercial for this group?
  3. What is your original concept? How are you going to SELL your subject?
  4. What will your tag line be? It needs to be something catchy and memorable.
  5. What kind of music will you use in the background?
  6. Please email the advisor or coach of your commercial subject. Schedule a time to shoot with this person. Include me on this email.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Final Candid Editing

  • Select your top ten pictures.
  • Make sure the images you select show faces and emotion. Your ten pictures should show a variety of locations,composition styles, and subjects.
  • "Stalker" type photos will not be accepted.
  • Turn five of your pictures into Grayscale: I will review methods in class.
  • Edit five of your images any way you want. Fill the frame.

1.Turn in your best 10 Grayscale Adjusted.
2. Turn in your best 6 in a folder. Again, we should see a variety locations,composition styles, and subjects.   Did you notice the word variety in bold?
3. Finally, turn in your best picture for printing.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

105 Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Questions Answered

105 Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Questions Answered

My Video/Process Video

My Video/Process Video                                 

For this assignment you have two options:
1. You will show or explain to how to do, make, or create something. This should be a process you are familiar with or an activity you are interested in and passionate about.
2. You will make a more abstract or arty video that emulates the passion derived from participating in an activity.

You can add narration or you can edit the shots to music (or both). Feel free to use the Haircut video and Auto Videos as  templates for this assignment.

Challenge: how can you make the process or activity interesting for an audience?

Video should be 1-2 minutes in length.
20-25 shots total
All shots are focused, white balanced, and steady.
Camera angles are diverse and unique.
Video edits are made on movement and there is proper pacing.
B-Roll is both interesting and used effectively with audio.
Rule of thirds, proper headroom, and leading the subject used throughout video.
Audience can hear all music and any narration throughout video.
Narration is easy to hear.
Narration is effective and well written.
There are no TCP errors.
Video fades in and out.
Overall, the video is entertaining to watch.

Raw Footage at the end of the period next Tuesday. Tuesday is an all-period shooting day for those who need it.

You can check out cameras for this assignment starting today.

Please list your subject:  ___________________________

Please list (in order) 15 B-Roll shots for your project:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Seattle Times Three-Minute Movie Contest

The details: The Seattle Times and Seattle International Film Festival invite you to shoot a short film of three minutes or less on your video camera or phone. Our panel of judges will choose their favorites to show at the festival and on
Here’s how it works: Make a film on any subject you like, as long as it’s suitable for a family-newspaper audience. (No sex, violence or bad language, please.) It must be three minutes or less.
Here’s how you enter: Upload your film to YouTube and then fill out the form below.
Very important: If you use music, you must have permission from whoever owns the rights to it.
Special categories:
• Filmmakers under 18 are eligible for the J. Michael Rima award for young directors.
• Films that capture the people, places and idiosyncrasies of the Northwest are eligible for a special prize.
Fine print: When you submit your video, make sure you include your name, phone number, email address, age (if under 18) and movie title. If you are selected as a finalist, we’ll contact you for a higher-resolution version of your film.
Prizes: Winners will be shown on The Seattle Times website and at the Seattle International Film Festival. The grand-prize winner will get one full-series pass to this year’s festival, which begins May 16 and runs through June 9 at several venues in the Greater Seattle area ( The winner of the J. Michael Rima Award for directors under 18 will get screened as part of the FutureWave shorts, and the grand prize winner will also have an additional screening.

  Click here to read all the details about the annual contest.
Entries are due April 15.

Local 17 Year-Old Filmmaker

Ben Kadie, a senior at Interlake High School in Bellevue, is already an accomplished filmmaker and a four-time winner of the 3MM contest.
Ben Kadie, a senior at Interlake High School in Bellevue, is already an accomplished filmmaker and a four-time winner of the 3MM contest.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Exporting From Adobe Premiere Pro

These are the settings to export HD Quality Video


Preset=HD 1080i 29.97
Video Codec=H.264
Check the Use Maximum Render Quality Box 
Click Export
Your Project Saves within the Adobe Folder in your Documents section on the Computer
Next, drop your video in the Vidstore Server. Don't forget to use the Naming Convention: 2-mitchellt-Sequence.


Connect to server    

Name: scvideo

Password: Outback23

Sc Video classes

Period 2

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Jump Cuts Reading and Sequence Requirements

Good morning,
Today you will edit your sequences. Before you edit please read the articles below and take notes. We will have short quiz on Thursday.

20 Steps for Shooting Great Video

Edited Sequences Requirements:
  • Review your footage: do you have a variety of shots from a variety of angles?
  • Put shots in order
  • You need at least ten different styles of shots in the video
  • Edit Shots in Premiere
  • Eliminate Any Jump Cuts by cutting to Reaction Shots etc.
  • Add Fade in at beginning of Video and Fade Out at the end
  • Add low level music throughout
  • Add Three Instances of Sound Effects
  • Add Title
  • Add Credits

When you are done with your Edited Sequence Show it to Holden, Sierra, or Steven. If you have Jump Cuts grab a camera and re-shoot your footage. In order to receive credit on this assignment you must eliminate any jump cuts.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Landscape Editing Assignment

  • Edit and adjust your ten best pictures. They should all have foreground, mid-ground, and background elements.
  •      Use Exposure, Photo Filter, Clone Stamp, Color Balance, Crop, and any other methods you need to make the pictures look awesome. Make sure they look “real.”
  •  Two of these picture need to be one item left in color
  •  Two of these pictures need to large Photo Filter Adjustment
· Create contact sheet with ten best pictures called landscape adjusted _CS
· Turn in your best_adjusted_landscape full size as a jpeg

Edited Camera Skills Assignment in Premiere

  • Edited shot requirements:
  • Fade in at the beginning of the video
  • Titles for Each Shot
  • Transition Between Each Shot
  • Fade out at the end
  • Add Music
  • Add two instances of Sound Effects
  • Add One Color Effect on a Clip

Premiere Tutorials

Setting Up and Workflow overview:
Editing in the Timeline:
Add Titles, Fades, and Music
Using Trim and Ripple Edit:
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Color Correcting:
Titles and Effects:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Video 1 Sequence Assignment

VIdeo 1 Sequence Assignment

Group 10-shot Sequence: A sequence is a series of shots connected together as part of a whole scene.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:
Example 4:
· 10 different shots
· Insert Shot
· Reaction Shot (cutaway)
Shoot a master shot of the whole sequence beginning to end
· Shoot every shot three different times from three different angles
· Raw Footage will be graded
· Edited video should include fade in/out, title, music, sound effects, and credits over black
No jump cuts
No continuity errors

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Video 2 Documentary Treatment and Questions

Documentary Treatment

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Email your responses to me.

1. What is your documentary subject?
2. Why did you choose this subject? Why would this be interesting for us to watch(two-three sentences)
3. What do you think your audience can learn from your documentary? Why will it be entertaning (one-two sentences)
4. What type of B-Roll will your video need (four to six examples)
5. How will you make sure you can cover all sides of this subject? Who will you interview and where will you interview them? (two-three sentences)
6. What kind of music will you use?

Homework over break:

Documentary Narration/Text/Organization

First, read this section on interview techniques here.

Next, open up your email account and start working on the assignment below. When you are done, please email the assignment to me at Also, CC your parent or guardian CC your parent or guardian so they can see what you are working on.

Write three to four sentences describing topic in great detail . Give crucial information and history as needed. Feel free to use documented statistics.
For example, if you are doing a piece on gas prices then find out how expensive gas has been over the last twenty years. Why the change? What are the factors etc? Do cars get more or less miles per gallon?

Next, list at least five specific examples of of B-Roll you will use. Provide dates, locations, and shot type of the footage.
Will you use any footage from sources other than your own camera? If so, what will they be?

Again, if you are doing Gas prices you might want to show people filling up at the gas station, a shot or two of gas price signs, people driving cars, and money exchanging hands etc.

Narrate or use text to move from one interview to the next. If you do your interviews well, the interviews will tell the story and your narration will be minimal.
For today’s assignment, pretend you have three different examples and interviews for your topic.
What will you cover in this section? What will the audience learn? Please list the people who have interviewed or will interview and also list the B-Roll that will play underneath those interviews.

What did you conclude from your documentary (using both sides of course)? You aren't trying to prove a point here as this is more of a recap of what we saw in the body of your documentary.
What should the audience know that ties all the information together? What is next for your subject or subjects?
Your closing narration should be at least three to four sentences.

Finally, create a list of 20 questions you will ask five different people in your documentary.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Camera Skills

Camera Skills Assignment 1
Mr Mitchell
Video Production 1

Get into groups of three or four students.
Each student will shoot all the shots straight through and then the next students will shoot.
Make a slate or piece of paper with your name on it and record it at the beginning of your segment.
White balance.
Zoom in and focus for every shot before you record.
Record each shot for 5-10 seconds.

You will be graded on the following criteria:
All shots must be steady, in focus, and correct in composition to receive credit.  When you are panning or trucking, remember to us two hands if that helps.  Also, for each shot please consider the Rule of Thirds, Framing, Proper Headroom, and Leading the Subject where they apply.

·      MCU
·      MS
·      LS
·      XLS or establishing shot (no zoom)
·      Truck Right slowly with subject
·      Slow Pan Left to object
·      Slow Tilt up to object
·      POV (set up shot first, it’s two shots)
·      Use leading lines to showcase a subject
·      Frame a subject using an object in the shot
·      Slow Dolly in from LS to CU of subject
·      Heads in Tails Out (two shots)
·      OTS

Note: this project will take two days.
Every shot needs to be white balanced, in focus, and steady for 5-10 seconds.
When all students are satisfied they have shot “A” work for every shot, they will bring the tape and camera back to class and import the clips to Adobe Premiere.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Adobe Premiere CS6 Tutorials

Welcome to Video 2!
The first thing we all need to do (including your truly) is learn how to use Adobe Premiere. Please download clips from the Vidstore server or use your own clips for practice today and work through all of these tutorials. 

Setting Up and Workflow overview:
Using Trim and Ripple Edit:
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Color Correcting:
Titles and Effects:

Friday, February 01, 2013

Class Reading

This is reading for Tuesday and Thursday. Please take out a piece of paper to take notes on all bold faced words. Save your notes.
Please take the quiz at the bottom of each section. We will discuss all terms in class and you will be quizzed on the material shortly.

Hints for Succes in Video 1

1. Use your time at home with a camera wisely. Having your own camera is very helpful, but if you need to check out a camera from me make sure you plan your video shoot ahead of time.
2. Do not rely on your friends. Your friends are not receiving a grade and therefore are not as motivated as you are.
3. Do not wait until the last minute to shoot. Procrastination will hurt you in this class.
4. Shoot multiple takes of your shots from different angles so you have more to work with when you edit. It is highly recommend to shoot a wide "master shot" of the whole scene and then shoot close-ups after.
5. Make every shot count. Do not shoot random footage. 

6. Most importantly, attend class every day. A majority of the work in this class is done during class time.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Video 1 Monday January 28

1. Grab a blank DVD from my desk, place it in your computer, and drag your work into the DVD. Right-Click burn. This will back up your work. You may need two discs, you can also use Dropbox.
2. Submit videos for the Shoreline Film Festival. If you think you have a video that should be played on our Film Festival on May 23rd please drop it into the Vidstore Server with Your Name_Project Name_Film Festival as the name. You may submit more than one video.
3. Work with your group to finish the project. Color correct, add titles, credits, and fade in/out.
4. Export projects. File>Export>Quicktime Conversion>Apple TV
5. Drop files into the Vidstore server Period 3.
We will watch videos at the beginning of the period on Wednesday.

Don't forget to back up your projects to disc!

Friday, January 04, 2013

SCNN Commercial Project

SCNN Commercial Assignment





You will make a thirty second professional style commercial for a school related group, sport, club, or after-school function etc. Your commercial should be shot and edited in a high-energy style that encourages the other students in the school to either participate in and/or support your chosen group. You will have time during class to shoot the video, or you can shoot before or after school. Each student must do their own commercial.

Commercial Assignment Requirements:

Fade In and Fade Out.
Commercial must be exactly thirty seconds
12 shot minimum-like music videos, most commercials use shots only two to five seconds in length.
Use music appropriate for the commercial and school group.
Use text in your commercial to emphasize in writing what you are trying to sell.
Create a nifty slogan or catch phrase. VERY IMPORTANT!
Use a variety of shots.
Shoot at least two complicated shots. For example, a ‘zoom in and pan’ or a ‘zoom out and truck’ etc.

Steps for assignment:

1. Answer Treatment questions below.
2. Email Treatment questions to the adviser asking permission to shoot a commercial for the club, sport, or event. Introduce yourself and ask if they would like to meet in person.

Commercial Treatment

You will write a detailed commercial treatment and send it to the coach or advisor of your club/activity/sport etc. You will ask for their permission to make a commercial and also for suggestions. You will also send me a copy (CC) of this email.

List of advisors:
School event Calendar 

Treatment questions you must answer in COMPLETE sentences.

  1. What group have you selected as your subject?
  2. Why did you select this group and why do you think you can make an interesting commercial for this group?
  3. What is your original concept? How are you going to SELL your subject?
  4. What will your tag line be? It needs to be something catchy and memorable.
  5. What kind of music will you use in the background?
  6. Please email the advisor or coach of your commercial subject. Schedule a time to shoot with this person. Include me on this email.